Tuesday, June 25, 2024
HomeKorean Movies and DramasJodie Foster As Star Wars' Leia? It May've Occurred

Jodie Foster As Star Wars’ Leia? It May’ve Occurred

Right here’s a wild one: actress Jodie Foster has revealed she may’ve been in Star Wars. We imply the unique movie. As she instructed Jimmy Fallon this week, Jodie, not Carrie Fisher, was George Lucas’s preliminary option to play the character of Princess Leia.

“I used to be [offered the role], yeah,” Foster stated. “They had been going for a youthful Princess Leia however I had a battle. I used to be doing a Disney film and I simply didn’t wish to pull out of the Disney film as a result of I used to be already below contract.” Given the time interval, this might have both been Freaky Friday or Candleshoe.

However she has no regrets…her profession took off anyway, so why would she? “[Fisher] did an incredible job,” Foster stated. “I don’t understand how good I might have been. I may need had totally different hair. I may need gone with a pineapple.” The variations would have gone past hair, nevertheless. A lot of Star Wars as we all know it may have been affected by this casting.

In 1976, the 12 months Star Wars was filmed, Foster would have been 13 years outdated. Luke and Han’s rescue mission would have been to save lots of a toddler, and the romantic subplot that developed between Leia and Han wouldn’t have been potential. Luke and Leia may nonetheless be siblings, however not twins. And since Foster continues to be alive, the Leia character may have appeared all through the sequel trilogy that was made within the 2010s.

Thoughts-boggling to consider. Star Wars as a film franchise is presently stalled, however Disney is experimenting behind the scenes with totally different concepts. The one factor we all know we’re getting is a Mandalorian and Grogu characteristic.



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