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HomeMusicOne of many world's biggest instrument collections is in South Dakota, of...

One of many world’s biggest instrument collections is in South Dakota, of all locations : NPR

The Nationwide Music Museum has one of many world’s largest and most vital collections of historic devices. It is situated in a spot you may not anticipate — Vermillion, South Dakota.


For 50 years, the Nationwide Music Museum has been house to one of many world’s most revered collections of devices. You may monitor musical historical past, from the world’s oldest cello to certainly one of Elvis’ guitars, by way of its displays in Vermillion, S.D. That is proper. The Nationwide Music Museum is situated in a city of just below 12,000 individuals within the southeast fringe of South Dakota. Harvest Public Media’s Elizabeth Rembert went to have a look and to take heed to some musical historical past.

ELIZABETH REMBERT, BYLINE: The Nationwide Music Museum is situated just some blocks north of Most important Road in Vermillion. And on a latest afternoon, a gaggle is congregating in one of many exhibit rooms the place there’s a gamelan. It is an Indonesian ensemble made up of many percussion devices. The group ignores any do-not-touch indicators and strikes the gongs, drums, pots and xylophones that sit throughout the room. The Vermillion locals aren’t right here to admire the devices. They’re right here to play them.


REMBERT: Faythe Weber performs the peking, which form of appears to be like like a small xylophone. After observe, she says she realized about gamelan throughout her time within the Navy. When she heard a few gamelan live performance in Vermillion, she thought a touring group was coming by way of city.

FAYTHE WEBER: So I got here, and I used to be simply shocked to search out out that the devices lived right here in South Dakota, you realize? (Laughter) We’re so fortunate.

REMBERT: This gamelan is 1 of greater than 14,000 devices within the museum’s assortment. It is a deal with for skilled musicians to carry out utilizing among the devices right here, just like the world’s oldest cello, constructed within the mid-1500s in Italy.


REMBERT: Or a soprano saxophone made by Adolphe Sax, who invented the instrument within the 1840s.


REMBERT: Or a grand piano in-built 1901 that was as soon as the biggest piano ever made.


REMBERT: Dwight Vaught, the museum’s director, is aware of what you are pondering.

DWIGHT VAUGHT: Why the Nationwide Music Museum is in Vermillion, S.D., might be our most requested query.

REMBERT: He says the story all begins with a person named Arne Larson, who got here to city along with his assortment of two,500 devices. It was 1966, and the college in Vermillion had employed Larson as a music professor. The brand new recruit got here with a catch.

VAUGHT: When he was employed by the College of South Dakota, he stated, do you’ve got a spot that I can retailer my devices? And they also supplied him an area.

REMBERT: Arne’s son would lead the cost to show the space for storing right into a museum, which formally opened its doorways in 1973. Fifty years later, conservator Darryl Martin says the Nationwide Music Museum’s assortment is high three on the planet, stacking as much as establishments in Brussels and Paris.

DARRYL MARTIN: So it is the standard of the devices over a variety of instrument varieties. There is a seventeenth century harpsichord. There is a electrical guitar from 20 years in the past and every part just about in between.

REMBERT: Throughout a tour, Martin walks as much as one instrument, a small, wood keyboard painted in olive inexperienced.

MARTIN: That is truly the oldest playable harpsichord on the planet.

REMBERT: With a little bit of pleading…

MARTIN: I am a extremely unhealthy participant, however I can…

REMBERT: He demonstrates what the world’s oldest harpsichord appears like.


REMBERT: It was made in Naples in all probability round 1530. 5 hundred years later, it is made its strategy to South Dakota.


REMBERT: However if you cannot make the trek to Vermillion, the Nationwide Music Museum presents displays and live performance movies on its web site.

For NPR Information, I am Elizabeth Rembert in Vermillion, S.D.

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